Getting Started
This module intends to be an enriched wrapper for the KinesisAsyncClient class, offered by the Java SDK.
libraryDependencies += "io.github.etspaceman" %% "kinesis4cats-client" % "0.0.33"
import cats.effect._
import kinesis4cats.client.KinesisClient
object MyApp extends IOApp {
override def run(args: List[String]) =
KinesisClient.Builder.default[IO].build.use(client =>
for {
_ <- client.createStream(
_ <- client.putRecord(
} yield ExitCode.Success
kinesis4cats offers a Producer interface that handles the following:
- Maintains a ShardMapCache, which will routinely track the open shards for a Kinesis stream. It is used to predict which shard a record will be produced to.
- Aggregates records using the KPL Aggregation Format (if configured)
- Batches records against known Kinesis limits (or a user-defined set of configuration).
- Produces records to Kinesis
- Provides an Error interface for users to interact with failed records (e.g. retrying failures)
This module provides an implementation of that interface, backed by the KinesisClient.
import cats.effect._
import kinesis4cats.client.producer.KinesisProducer
import kinesis4cats.producer._
import kinesis4cats.models.StreamNameOrArn
object MyApp extends IOApp {
override def run(args: List[String]) =
.use(producer =>
for {
_ <- producer.put(
Record("my-data".getBytes(), "some-partition-key"),
Record("my-data-2".getBytes(), "some-partition-key-2"),
Record("my-data-3".getBytes(), "some-partition-key-3"),
} yield ExitCode.Success
Failures vs Exceptions
The Producer interface works with the PutRecords API. This API can yield two possible error paths:
- Exceptions: Exceptions raised when interacting with the API. These are rare.
- Failures: Successful API responses, but with a partially-failed response.
In the 2nd case, the put
method will return a result that contains:
- Successfully produced records
- Invalid records (records that do not conform to the Kinesis requirements for PutRecords)
- Failed records (records that could not be produced to the Kinesis stream)
The Producer offering here allows users to handle these failure paths in multiple ways.
Retrying failures
A user can supply a RetryPolicy that can be used to retry both error paths until a fully successful response is received.
In the event of a partially-failed response, the retry routine will only retry the failed records.
import cats.effect._
import kinesis4cats.client.producer.KinesisProducer
import kinesis4cats.compat.retry._
import kinesis4cats.models.StreamNameOrArn
// Retry 5 times with no delay between retries
val policy = RetryPolicies.limitRetries[IO](5)
.transformConfig(x => x.copy(retryPolicy = policy))
Raising exceptions
A user can configure the producer to raise an exception if any of the error paths are detected (including partially failed records).
import cats.effect._
import kinesis4cats.client.producer.KinesisProducer
import kinesis4cats.models.StreamNameOrArn
.transformConfig(x => x.copy(raiseOnFailures = true))
This can be done along with configuring a retry policy, in which case an error would be raised after all retries are exhausted.
import cats.effect._
import kinesis4cats.client.producer.KinesisProducer
import kinesis4cats.compat.retry._
import kinesis4cats.models.StreamNameOrArn
// Retry 5 times with no delay between retries
val policy = RetryPolicies.limitRetries[IO](5)
.transformConfig(x => x.copy(retryPolicy = policy, raiseOnFailures = true))
FS2 Producer
This package provides a KPL-like producer via implementing FS2Producer. This interface receives records from a user, enqueues them into a Queue and puts them as batches to Kinesis on a configured interval. This leverages all of the functionality of the Producer interface, including batching, aggregation and retries.
import cats.effect._
import kinesis4cats.client.producer.fs2.FS2KinesisProducer
import kinesis4cats.models.StreamNameOrArn
import kinesis4cats.producer.Record
object MyApp extends IOApp {
override def run(args: List[String]) =
.use(producer =>
for {
_ <- producer.put(
Record("my-data".getBytes(), "some-partition-key")
_ <- producer.put(
Record("my-data-2".getBytes(), "some-partition-key-2")
_ <- producer.put(
Record("my-data-3".getBytes(), "some-partition-key-3")
} yield ExitCode.Success
Kinesis4Cats offers a nested effect as the return type for the FS2Producer's put
method. This nested effect serves as a callback for users to interact with the put result and any errors that occurred with the puts. For example:
import cats.effect._
import cats.syntax.all._
import kinesis4cats.client.producer.fs2.FS2KinesisProducer
import kinesis4cats.models.StreamNameOrArn
import kinesis4cats.producer.Record
object MyApp extends IOApp {
override def run(args: List[String]) =
.use { producer =>
val records = List(
Record("my-data".getBytes(), "some-partition-key"),
Record("my-data-2".getBytes(), "some-partition-key-2"),
Record("my-data-3".getBytes(), "some-partition-key-3")
for {
callbacks <- records.traverse(producer.put)
_ <- callbacks.traverse(cb => cb.attempt.flatMap(x => IO.println(s"Response: $x")))
} yield ExitCode.Success