
Standard environment variables and system properties for configuring a KCLConsumer, via Ciris


libraryDependencies += "io.github.etspaceman" %% "kinesis4cats-kcl-ciris" % "0.0.32"


import cats.effect._
import cats.syntax.all._

import kinesis4cats.kcl._
import kinesis4cats.kcl.ciris.KCLCiris
import kinesis4cats.syntax.bytebuffer._

object MyApp extends ResourceApp.Forever {
    override def run(args: List[String]) = for {
        consumer <- KCLCiris.consumer[IO](){ 
            case records: List[CommittableRecord[IO]] => 
                records.traverse_(r => IO.println( 
        _ <-
    } yield ()


The configuration below is intended to only work with single-stream consumers at this time.


Environment Variable System Property Required Default Description
KCL_APP_NAME Yes A unique name to give your consumer application.
KCL_STREAM_NAME Yes The name of the stream to consume
KPL_INITIAL_POSITION kcl.initial.position No LATEST The position to start stream consumption. Valid values are TRIM_HORIZON, LATEST and AT_TIMESTAMP:mytimestamp (timestamp must be parsable by java.time.Instant.parse)


Currently the CheckpointConfig does not have any configuration, but this section is here in case it is provided at a later date.

Environment Variable System Property Required Default Description


CoordinatorConfig values.

Environment Variable System Property Required Default Description
KCL_COORDINATOR_MAX_INITIALIZATION_ATTEMPTS kcl.coordinator.max.initialization.attempts No 20 The maximum number of attempts to initialize the Scheduler
KCL_COORDINATOR_PARENT_SHARD_POLL_INTERVAL kcl.coordinator.parent.shard.poll.interval No 10 seconds Interval between polling to check for parent shard completion
KCL_COORDINATOR_SKIP_SHARD_SYNC_AT_INITIALIZATION_IF_LEASES_EXIST No false If true, the Scheduler will skip shard sync during initialization if there are one or more leases in the lease table.
KCL_COORDINATOR_SHARD_CONSUMER_DISPATCH_POLL_INTERVAL kcl.coordinator.shard.consumer.dispatch.poll.interval No 1 second The duration between polling of the shard consumer for triggering state changes, and health checks.
KCL_COORDINATOR_SCHEDULER_INITIALIZATION_BACKOFF_TIME kcl.coordinator.scheduler.initialization.backoff.time No 1 second Interval between retrying the scheduler initialization.


LeaseManagementConfig values.

Environment Variable System Property Required Default Description
KCL_LEASE_TABLE_NAME No KCL_APP_NAME/ Name of the table to use in DynamoDB
KCL_LEASE_WORKER_ID No Utils.randomUUIDString Used to distinguish different workers/processes of a KCL application.
KCL_LEASE_FAILOVER_TIME No 10 seconds A worker which does not renew it's lease within this time interval will be regarded as having problems and it's shards will be assigned to other workers.
KCL_LEASE_SHARD_SYNC_INTERVAL No 60 seconds Shard sync interval
KCL_LEASE_CLEANUP_LEASES_UPON_SHARD_COMPLETION No true Cleanup leases upon shards completion.
KCL_LEASE_MAX_LEASES_FOR_WORKER No Integer.MAX_VALUE The max number of leases (shards) this worker should process.
KCL_LEASE_MAX_LEASES_TO_STEAL_AT_ONE_TIME No 1 Max leases to steal from another worker at one time (for load balancing).
KCL_LEASE_INITIAL_LEASE_TABLE_READ_CAPACITY No 10 The Amazon DynamoDB table used for tracking leases will be provisioned with this read capacity if the billing mode is set to PROVISIONED
KCL_LEASE_INITIAL_LEASE_TABLE_WRITE_CAPACITY No 10 The Amazon DynamoDB table used for tracking leases will be provisioned with this write capacity if the billing mode is set to PROVISIONED
KCL_LEASE_MAX_LEASE_RENEWAL_THREADS No 20 The size of the thread pool to create for the lease renewer to use.
KCL_LEASE_IGNORE_UNEXPECTED_CHILD_SHARDS No false If true, ignores child shards that are received unexpectedly.
KCL_LEASE_CONSISTENT_READS No false If true, ensures that reads from dynamo are consistent.
KCL_LEASE_LIST_SHARDS_BACKOFF_TIME No 1.5 seconds Duration to wait between list-shards calls.
KCL_LEASE_MAX_LIST_SHARDS_RETRY_ATTEMPTS No 50 Amount of retries possible for list-shards calls.
KCL_LEASE_EPSILON No 25 ms Applies variance when calculating lease expirations
KCL_LEASE_DYNAMO_REQUEST_TIMEOUT No 1 minute Timeout for requests to dynamo
KCL_LEASE_BILLING_MODE No PAY_PER_REQUEST Billing mode to use for the dynamo table upon its creation. Valid values are PAY_PER_REQUEST and PROVISIONED
KCL_LEASE_LEASES_RECOVERY_AUDITOR_EXECUTION_FREQUENCY No 2 minutes Frequency of the auditor job to scan for partial leases in the lease table.
KCL_LEASE_LEASES_RECOVERY_AUDITOR_INCONSISTENCY_CONFIDENCE_THRESHOLD No 3 Confidence threshold for the periodic auditor job to determine if leases for a stream in the lease table is inconsistent.
KCL_LEASE_MAX_CACHE_MISSES_BEFORE_RELOAD No 1000 Amount of cache misses before reloading the lease cache.
KCL_LEASE_LIST_SHARDS_CACHE_ALLOWED_AGE No 30 seconds Duration that the list shards cache is valid.
KCL_LEASE_CACHE_MISS_WARNING_MODULUS No 250 Modulus to use against the number of cache misses before a warning is logged.


LifecycleConfig values.

Environment Variable System Property Required Default Description
KCL_LIFECYCLE_LOG_WARNING_FOR_TASK_AFTER kcl.lifecycle.log.warning.for.task.after No None Logs warn message if as task is held in a task for more than the set time.
KCL_LIFECYCLE_TASK_BACKOFF_TIME kcl.lifecycle.task.backoff.time No 500 ms Backoff time for Amazon Kinesis Client Library tasks (in the event of failures).
KCL_LIFECYCLE_READ_TIMEOUTS_TO_IGNORE_BEFORE_WARNING No 0 Number of consecutive ReadTimeouts to ignore before logging warning messages.


MetricsConfig values.

Environment Variable System Property Required Default Description
KCL_METRICS_NAMESPACE kcl.metrics.namespace No KCL_APP_NAME/ Namespace for KCL metrics.
KCL_METRICS_BUFFER_TIME kcl.metrics.buffer.time No 10 seconds Buffer metrics for at most this long before publishing to CloudWatch.
KCL_METRICS_MAX_QUEUE_SIZE kcl.metrics.max.queue.size No 10000 Buffer at most this many metrics before publishing to CloudWatch.
KCL_METRICS_LEVEL kcl.metrics.level No DETAILED Metrics level for which to enable CloudWatch metrics. Valid values are DETAILED, SUMMARY and NONE
KCL_METRICS_ENABLED_DIMENSIONS kcl.metrics.enabled.dimensions No Set("ALL") Allowed dimensions for CloudWatchMetrics.
KCL_METRICS_PUBLISHER_FLUSH_BUFFER kcl.metrics.publisher.flush.buffer No 200 Buffer size for MetricDatums before publishing.


RetrievalConfig values.

Environment Variable System Property Required Default Description
KCL_RETRIEVAL_TYPE kcl.retrieval.type Yes fanout Type of retrieval for the KCL to use. Valid values are fanout and polling
KCL_RETRIEVAL_LIST_SHARDS_BACKOFF_TIME kcl.retrieval.list.shards.backoff.time No 1.5 seconds Backoff time between consecutive ListShards calls.
KCL_RETRIEVAL_MAX_LIST_SHARDS_RETRY_ATTEMPTS kcl.retrieval.max.list.shards.retry.attempts No 50 Max number of retries for ListShards when throttled/exception is thrown.


Configuration values if KCL_RETRIEVAL_TYPE/kcl.retrieval.type is fanout. Used for constructing the FanOutConfig

Environment Variable System Property Required Default Description
KCL_RETRIEVAL_FANOUT_CONSUMER_ARN kcl.retrieval.fanout.consumer.arn No The ARN of an already created consumer, if this is set no automatic consumer creation will be attempted.
KCL_RETRIEVAL_FANOUT_CONSUMER_NAME No KCL_APP_NAME/ The name of the consumer to create.
KCL_RETRIEVAL_FANOUT_MAX_DESCRIBE_STREAM_SUMMARY_RETRIES No 10 The maximum number of retries for calling describe stream summary.
KCL_RETRIEVAL_FANOUT_MAX_DESCRIBE_STREAM_CONSUMER_RETRIES No 10 The maximum number of retries for calling DescribeStreamConsumer.
KCL_RETRIEVAL_FANOUT_REGISTER_STREAM_CONSUMER_RETRIES No 10 The maximum number of retries for calling DescribeStreamConsumer.
KCL_RETRIEVAL_FANOUT_RETRY_BACKOFF kcl.retrieval.fanout.retry.backoff No 1 second The maximum amount of time that will be made between failed calls.


Configuration values if KCL_RETRIEVAL_TYPE/kcl.retrieval.type is polling. Used for constructing the PollingConfig

Environment Variable System Property Required Default Description
KCL_RETRIEVAL_POLLING_MAX_RECORDS kcl.retrieval.polling.max.records No 10000 Max records to fetch from Kinesis in a single GetRecords call.
KCL_RETRIEVAL_POLLING_IDLE_TIME_BETWEEN_READS kcl.retrieval.polling.idle.time.between.reads No 1 second The value for how long the ShardConsumer should sleep in between calls to GetRecords
KCL_RETRIEVAL_POLLING_RETRY_GET_RECORDS_INTERVAL kcl.retrieval.polling.retry.get.records.interval No None Time to wait in seconds before the worker retries to get a record. If None, retries immediately
KCL_RETRIEVAL_POLLING_MAX_GET_RECORDS_THREAD_POOL kcl.retrieval.polling.max.get.records.thread.pool No None The max number of threads in the records thread pool. If None, there is no limit.


ProcessorConfig values.

Environment Variable System Property Required Default Description
KCL_PROCESSOR_CALL_PROCESS_RECORDS_EVEN_FOR_EMPTY_LIST No false If true, process records will be invoked on empty batches.
KCL_PROCESSOR_RAISE_ON_ERROR kcl.processor.raise.on.error No true If true, the application will raise an error and be killed if processRecords also throws an error. Otherwise, the error will be logged but the consumer will receive a new batch of records.
KCL_PROCESSOR_CHECKPOINT_RETRIES kcl.processor.checkpoint.retries No 5 Max retries for retrying commits if autoCommit is true
KCL_PROCESSOR_CHECKPOINT_RETRY_INTERVAL kcl.processor.checkpoint.retry.interval No 0 seconds Checkpoint retry interval for retrying commits if autoCommit is true
KCL_PROCESSOR_AUTO_COMMIT No 0 seconds If true, the record processor will automatically commit records after the user defined callback is complete.


Some of these environment variables are loaded as a Scala Duration, and are parsed through its apply method.

For example, if you wanted to set the duration to a day, you could use: - 1d - 1 day - 24 hours - 24h

FS2 Configuration

Standard environment variables and system properties for configuring a KCLConsumerFS2, via Ciris


import cats.effect._

import kinesis4cats.kcl.fs2.ciris.KCLCirisFS2
import kinesis4cats.syntax.bytebuffer._

object MyApp extends ResourceApp.Forever {
    override def run(args: List[String]) = for {
        consumer <- KCLCirisFS2.consumer[IO]()
        _ <-
            .flatMap(stream =>
                .evalTap(x => IO.println(
    } yield ()


The configuration below is intended to only work with single-stream consumers at this time.

Environment Variable System Property Required Default Description
KCL_FS2_QUEUE_SIZE kcl.fs2.queue.size No 100 Size of the global records queue. If full, backpressure will occur.
KCL_FS2_COMMIT_MAX_CHUNK kcl.fs2.commit.max.chunk No 1000 Max size of records in the commit queue before commits are made.
KCL_FS2_COMMIT_MAX_WAIT kcl.fs2.commit.max.wait No 10 seconds Max interval between commit batch evaluation.
KCL_FS2_COMMIT_MAX_RETRIES kcl.fs2.commit.max.retries No 5 Max retries for running commits
KCL_FS2_COMMIT_RETRY_INTERVAL kcl.fs2.commit.retry.interval No 0 seconds Interval between commit retries